"Greater Than We Believe" Video Series Available on YouTube
In January 2019, my co-host Stephen King and I launched a YouTube video series titled “Greater Than We Believe.” Its title well fits our content. Watch and see what you think. (Click HERE to visit our YouTube channel.) Also, enjoy the musical intro and exit composed by Eddie Prather, one of our Thursday morning Bible Study participants. If you are ever going to be in Indianapolis on a Thursday morning, contact us and come and join us for our weekly Bible study, 8:30AM to 10:00AM ET.
The first three videos below are from my April 20, 2018 debate at the Indianapolis Eschatology Seminar sponsored by the Westside Church of Christ. My topic was “The Many (Future) Comings of Jesus.” I took the affirmative. My interlocutor, a Church of Christ pastor from Michigan, took the negative. Unfortunately, the video and sound are not the best but most of our words can be understood.
The latter two videos discuss an alternative view of end-time Bible prophecy.
The first video addresses several major inconsistencies with the popular “rapture” theory in a way that’s true to the Bible. This video coincided with the release of the second “Left Behind” movie that hit theaters near you on October 3, 2014.
This video announces and introduces John Noe’s book "The Perfect Ending for the World" back in 2011. Since then several more books have come out. Click here for more details about all our books.
John Noē, Ph.D.
Author of "Unraveling the End: A balanced scholarly synthesis of four competing and conflicting end-time views"