In addition to appearing on numerous national TV, radio programs and podcasts, and in national print publications, Dr. John Noē has delivered countless talks at churches, business conventions, in schools, and more. John is a well-seasoned, articulate, entertaining, and provocative guest who enjoys interacting with, motivating, and inspiring audiences.
Click here to submit an appearance request or scroll below to see some of John's past theological appearances and presentations.
“Lessons & Laments of Betrayal: A Contemporary Comparative”
Was scheduled for presentation in the auditorium of Grand Rapids Theological Seminary at the 65th Midwest Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Grand Rapids, MI. Unfortunately, the meeting was cancelled due to the COVID-19 shutdown.
The Great Faith Robbery is based on the format and contents compiled for and presented in this theological paper (copies available).
“Finishing the Job of Reformation: 96 New Theses”
Presented at the 63rd Midwest Regional Meeting of ETS, Grand Rapids, MI. Booklet cover version shown below:
“Unraveling the End: A Biblical Synthesis of Four Competing and Conflicting End-time Views”
Presented at the 59th Annual Midwest Regional Meeting of ETS, Grand Rapids, MI.
“Step #3 – The Present-day Nature and Status of the Eschatological Kingdom Jesus Everlastingly Established in the First Century”
Presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of ETS, Valley Forge, PA.
“Step #2 – Establishment of the Everlasting, Eschatological Kingdom of God in ‘the days of those kings’ (Dan. 2:44) – which Ended in A.D. 476”
Presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of ETS, San Antonio, TX.
“Restoring the Kingdom-of-God Worldview to the Church and the World (1 of 7 Steps)”
Presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Region of ETS, Lincoln, IL
“The Only Defense in the Major Case against Christ and the Bible”
Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of ETS, Toronto, Canada.
“Synthesizing Six End-time Views”
Presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of ETS, Colorado Springs, CO.
“13 Popular Misconceptions about the Modern-day Nation of Israel and Its Role in Bible Prophecy”
Presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of ETS, Nashville, TN.
“The Only Solution to the Liberal/Skeptic Attack on the Bible”
Presented at the 45th Meeting of the Midwestern Region of ETS, Florissant, MO.
“A Response to R.C. Sproul’s Critique of Full Preterism”
Presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of ETS, Danvers, MA.
“The Many Comings of Jesus”
Presented at the 43rd Meeting of the Midwestern Region of ETS, Grand Rapids, MI.
“General Revelation in the ‘Sun of Righteousness’ – Its Many Dawnings, His Countless Comings”
Presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of ETS, Santa Clara, CA.
“The New Heaven and New Earth: Revelational Insights into the True Identity”
Presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of The Midwestern Region of ETS, Chicago, IL.
“Popular, But Interpretative Misconceptions about the Modern-day Nation of Israel and Its Role in Bible Prophecy”
Presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of The Midwestern Region of ETS, Chicago, IL.
“The Reformation and Restoration of John 16:13: Why the First-Century Church Was Not Misled or Mistaken in Their Expectation of Christ’s Return”
Presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of ETS, Jackson, MS.
“Why We May Soon See the Return of 1st-century Caliber Miracles and Effectiveness”
Presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of ETS, Jackson, MS.
“God’s Trustworthiness: The Literal, Exact, Chronological and Sequential Fulfillment of Daniel’s Two Time Prophecies – No Gaps, No Gimmicks”
Presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of The Midwestern Region of ETS, Fort Wayne, IN.
“Responsible Apocalypticism: The Absolute Defense of the Faith”
Presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of ETS, Philadelphia, PA.