How the perfect ending for the world came right on time
How the perfect ending for the world came right on time
The key word to note here is the small word in italics—for. It is not “of.” Big difference! Not only did this end for the world come right on time. It’s past and not future; its “last days” are behind us, and not present or ahead of us. And this end or goal for the world is consistently proclaimed throughout the Bible. In the New Testament, the Greek word often translated as “end” is telos. It means either a goal or a termination. In this case it was both (see Matt. 24:14).
Outstandingly, this end came right on time. It occurred within Jesus’ “this generation” (a forty-year period) exactly as and when He specified (Matt. 24:3, 34; Luke 21:32; Mark 13:30), and exactly as and when every New Testament writer and the early Church expected as they were guided into all truth and told what was yet to come (John 16:13). No gaps, no delays, no interruption of time frames, and no strained explanations are needed. All was fulfilled precisely, sequentially, and chronologically within human history and as prophesied centuries in advance. It wasn’t, however, the end of the material cosmos. It was the end of the Jewish covenantal world and its age (see 1 Cor. 7:29, 31; Heb. 8:13; 9:8-10; 1 Pet. 4:7, 17, and many more).
Bible scholars Drs. William W. Klein, Craig L. Blomberg, and Robert L. Hubbard, Jr. in their hermeneutical textbook titled, Introduction to Biblical Interpretation (Dallas, TX.: Word Publishing, 1993, pp-149, 310) recognize that . . .
The historically defensible interpretation has greatest authority. That is, interpreters can have maximum confidence in their understanding of a text when they base that understanding on historically defensible arguments . . . . We should seek the most likely time for the fulfillment of a prophecy in history.
This end’s precise past-fulfillment is both well-grounded scripturally and deeply rooted in documented history. Truly, this is The Perfect Ending for the World and great good news—socially, culturally, politically, environmentally, and theologically. It’s also the ultimate apologetic (defense) for the existence of God, the climax of the rest of the greatest story ever foretold, and the basis for the next reformation of Christianity.
Truly, truly, this great good news for the world is the only antidote to the long, sad, and tragic tradition of endsaying (saying the “end of the world” is near). All other explanations simply fall far short and are bad news. continue reading…
1 The Perfect Ending for the World by John Noe
2 Introduction to Biblical Interpretation by Klein, Blomberg, and Hubbard, Jr.
3 Last Days Madness by Gary DeMar
4 The Last Days According to Jesus by R.C. Sproul