How we lost Jesus’ kingdom—so what?

How we lost Jesus’ kingdom—so what?

Our forefathers in the faith (including most of America’s founding fathers) came to this country not just to escape religious persecution, but under a divine mandate to expand the kingdom of God. The kingdom was absolutely central to their worldview. Propelled by this kingdom worldview, they fought the Revolutionary War with the motto “No king but King Jesus!” They also founded the great institutions of our country—the government, the schools, the universities—under Judeo-Christian principles—and Christianity was the moral influencer in our society. But within the past 50 to 75 years or so we modern-day Christians here in America have given away almost everything our forefathers founded, and without a fight. What has happened? What has changed?

The answer is, we in the Church changed our worldview—from the optimistic, kingdom-of-God worldview of the world getting “better and better” to one of it getting “worse and worse.” In other words, we lost our kingdom orientation. And when we started losing the kingdom and our positive worldview, we also started losing the culture and our children in droves. The statistical correlation is significant.


1A Once-Mighty Faith (future book – est. 2014-2015) by John Noe

2What a Way to Live! by Tony Evans

3Abandonment Theology / America A Call to Greatness by John Chalfant

4The Transformation of American Religion by Alan Wolfe

5When Nations Die by Jim Nelson Black

6The Myth of a Christian Nation by Gregory A. Boyd

7To Change the World by James Davison Hunter