Little Jesus, Meek and Mild — Not Anymore!

For many Americans and millions of others our first introductions to Jesus were little nursery rhymes learned in childhood, such as:
“Little Jesus, meek and mild ? Look upon a little child.”
But He’s not like this anymore!
The testimony of Scripture is, Jesus has changed—in major, magnificent, and significant ways—from his preexistent form, into a babe, into a boy, into a man, into a dead man, into a resurrected body, and onto being the ascended, exalted, glorified, transformed, transfigured, transcendent, crowned, and cosmic Christ, the triumphant Jesus of the Apocalypse!
But where is this Jesus being presented, worshipped, and followed nowadays?
So what do you think of our annual ritual of trotting out baby Jesus—Christmas Jesus?
Is it helpful, harmful, or what?
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