The Purpose of Evil

The Purpose of Evil?

So if God truly was and is the origin of evil, why? If He is all-good and all-powerful, as many of us Christians believe, why didn’t He just create a world without any evil, suffering, risk, or danger in the first place? Fact is, He is the Creator of all things and He did not create this type of world. This realization inevitably forces one to seriously reconsider that there may be a divine purpose or purposes for evil.

Perhaps, God did create the perfect world for our advantage, and not for our convenience. Perhaps, evil really is “very good” and necessary in some manner. Indeed, with the realization that God is responsible for evil, the long trail of failures to find an adequate theism and theodicy may now be resolvable. Therefore, our challenge must become to make better sense of our God-created, good-and-evil world. This challenge and the addressing of this greater issue, however, is beyond our scope here and deserves a book all of its own.


1 Why Not Evil? (future book – est. 2014) by John Noe