Have We Been Led Astray in Key Areas of Our Faith?
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Why Do We Need Another Reformation?
Much being preached and taught today in Christian circles is not found in and/or contradicts the Bible.
We are losing 6 to 7 out of every 10 youth from the faith by young adulthood.
We are losing the culture our forefathers in the faith came to this country and founded.
The 16th-century Reformers said it well, "The church is reformed and always reforming."
The understanding of our faith has been watered down, dumbed down, and rendered much less effective.
Have We Been Led Astray in Key Areas of Our Faith?
Indeed, we have. PRI recognizes a serious need to re-examine what the Bible really says, and does not say. Below is a collection of key topic areas and misconceptions within traditional views of Christianity. We have created this website to be an open forum for anyone to comment on these 18 topics and more:

Divine Perfection in Two Creations
The God of the Bible is the God of order and design. Everything He created He did so with a plan, purpose, timeframe, and mathematical precision. For those who have eyes to see, his guiding hand is evident in every part of his two creations—from macro to micro, the largest to the smallest. This attribute of God has been called the stamp or fingerprint of divinity. We chose to call it simply divine perfection.
Theological Problem
The different creations spoken of in the Bible are: 1) the physical creation; 2) the redemptive creation (Isa. 51:15-16 KJV). The first is composed of atoms and molecules. The second is comprised of covenants. Both dramatically manifest divine perfection. Unfortunately, most Christians and their churches deny this attribute of divine perfection in the redemptive creation. They claim that God’s “appointed time of the end” has been “delayed.” Critics claim it has proved “false.” But who should we believe—God and his divinely inspired Word or uninspired Christians?
What Scripture Says
Seven hundred years before Christ, the God of the Bible inspired the ancient prophet Habakkuk to write: “For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay” (Hab. 2:3). One century later, God gave another Hebrew prophet, Daniel, the two most spectacular and explicit time prophecies ever given to humankind. Like bookends, these two prophetic time periods pinpointed and bracketed the exact time in human history for the coming of the Messiah to earth and Habakkuk’s “appointed time . . . of the end.” It all happened, right on time, certainly came, and came with a plan, purpose, timeframe, and mathematical precision. That’s divine perfection! continue reading...
- Why the world will never end.
- How the perfect ending for the world came right on time.
- Three different entities called “heaven and earth.”
- Divine perfection in God’s end-time plan.
- A ‘new’ paradigm of thought and faith.
- Our greater responsibilities herein.
- Why the future is bright and promising.
- The basis for the next reformation of Christianity.
"Greater Than We Believe" Video Series Available on YouTube
In January 2019, my co-host Stephen King and I launched a YouTube video series titled “Greater Than We Believe.” Its title well fits our content. Watch and see what you think. (Click HERE to visit our YouTube channel.) Also, enjoy the musical intro and exit composed by Eddie Prather, one of our Thursday morning Bible Study participants. If you are ever going to be in Indianapolis on a Thursday morning, contact us and come and join us for our weekly Bible study, 8:30AM to 10:00AM ET.
John Noē's Latest Book:
AD 70 The Movie
I didn't "go West young man" seeking fame and fortune. I had no ambition to be a screenwriter. I never dreamed I could do it. Fact is, I had never seen a screenplay, lest of all read one. Instead, Hollywood came to me-"out of the blue." That initial encounter ended up consuming the better part of a twelve-year period in my life, and a hefty sum of money as well.
Twenty years have now passed since my initial encounter with Hollywood. And I still receive inquiries asking, "Whatever happened to that big-screen Hollywood movie about the destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple circa A.D. 70 that you were working on?"
This book is my story of the highs and lows I experienced and endured during those twelve years pursuing Hollywood, along with the resultant 125-page (in 8 1/2 x 11 format) and 12th and final draft of that script/screenplay those years and that adventure produced.
Therefore, in this book you will discover:
- How Hollywood came to me.
- What a big-budget, action-adventure, historical-epic screenplay looks like.
- How one pitches a project of this scope to producers, agents, and the studios.
- Warnings and dangers for screenwriters to beware of.
- Why Hollywood is the only town in the world where you can die from encouragement.
- Why I departed Hollywood and returned to writing books.
“It's the greatest story never told!” — Ted Baehr, Movieguide